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Brown & Brown, Inc. Announces 9th Consecutive Record Year With 2001 Results

January 17, 2002

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., and TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Brown & Brown, Inc. (NYSE: BRO) today announced record earnings for 2001. Net income rose to $53,913,000, or $0.85 per share, up 64.4% from $32,793,000, or $0.53 per share earned in year 2000. At the same time, total revenues were up 37.5% to $365,029,000, versus year 2000 revenues of $265,405,000.

Fourth quarter 2001 net income increased to $15,215,000, or $0.24 per share, compared with net income in fourth quarter 2000 of $5,765,000, or $0.09 per share, a 163.9% increase in net income. Total revenue for the 2001 fourth quarter was $95,877,000, compared with 2000 fourth quarter revenue of $67,383,000, up 42.3%.

Excluding only the restatement impact on prior years' results of the 2001 acquisitions recorded under the pooling-of-interests accounting method, year- end and fourth-quarter net income for 2001 were up 62.5% and 73.2%, respectively, over the comparable net income amounts in 2000, as historically reported. Under the same analysis, revenues for the year and fourth quarter of 2001 were up 74.1% and 79.2%, respectively, over the comparable year 2000 revenue amounts, as historically reported.

"2001 was an exceptional year for Brown & Brown. Nine straight years of record increases in earnings is, in our opinion, a signal accomplishment. The Brown & Brown culture continues to be the fuel that drives our team to constantly and consistently strive to achieve new records; and our systems and methods of doing business are proving their value by driving increased amounts of new business while at the same time achieving higher pre-tax margins. Specifically, for established offices we hit a pre-tax margin of 27.4% in 2001 versus 26.3% in 2000, while our pre-tax margin for all offices in 2001 was 24.8%. In addition, excluding interest expense, amortization, and non-cash stock grant compensation, the operating margin for all offices in 2001 was 31.2%," said Chairman, President and CEO J. Hyatt Brown.

Brown added, "Looking forward to 2002, we will continue to seek opportunities for new merger relationships that will help our external growth, and we will likely see a continuation of increases in insurance premiums and market tightening that should enhance our internal growth."

Brown & Brown, Inc. and its subsidiaries provide a broad range of insurance and reinsurance products and services, as well as risk management, employee benefit administration, and managed health care services through offices located across the United States. The company is ranked by Business Insurance magazine as the nation's eighth largest independent insurance intermediary organization. Our Web address is

This press release may contain certain statements relating to future results which are forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts, but instead represent only the Company's belief regarding future events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of the Company's control. It is possible that the Company's actual results and financial condition may differ, possibly materially, from the anticipated results and financial condition indicated in these forward-looking statements. Further information concerning the Company and its business, including factors that potentially could materially affect the Company's financial results, are contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Some factors include: general economic conditions around the country; downward commercial property and casualty premium pressures; the competitive environment; the integration of the Company's operations with those of businesses or assets the Company has acquired or may acquire in the future and the failure to realize the expected benefits of such integration; and the potential occurrence of a disaster that affects certain areas of the States of Arizona, Florida and/or New York, where significant portions of the Company's business are concentrated. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release, and we do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or correct any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that subsequently occur or of which we hereafter become aware.

                             Brown & Brown, Inc.
                    (In thousands, except per share data)

                              Three Months Ended            Year Ended
                                 December 31                December 31
                             2001         2000*         2001         2000*
    Commissions and fees   $95,127       $65,193     $359,697      $258,309
    Investment income          773         1,503        3,686         4,887
    Other income (loss)       (23)           687        1,646         2,209
        Total revenues      95,877        67,383      365,029       265,405

    Employee compensation
     and benefits           47,052        41,242      187,653       149,836
    Other operating
     expenses               15,954        12,088       56,815        44,372
    Amortization             4,289         2,332       15,860         9,226
    Depreciation             1,319         1,585        6,536         6,158
    Interest                   878           320        5,703         1,266
    Non-cash stock
     grant compensation        512           121        1,984           483
        Total expenses      70,004        57,688      274,551       211,341

    Income before income
     taxes and minority
     interest               25,873         9,695       90,478        54,064

    Income taxes            10,031         3,584       34,834        20,146

    Minority interest,
     net of tax                627           346        1,731         1,125

    Net income             $15,215       $ 5,765     $ 53,913      $ 32,793

    Net income per share:
       Basic                 $0.24         $0.09        $0.86         $0.53
       Diluted               $0.24         $0.09        $0.85         $0.53

    Weighted average number of shares outstanding:

       Basic                63,053        62,361       62,563        61,845
       Diluted              63,837        62,849       63,222        62,091

    * Restated for pooling-of-interests.

                             Brown & Brown, Inc.
                     For The Year Ended December 31, 2001
                    (In thousands, except per share data)

                    1st           2nd          3rd          4th       Year-To
                  Quarter       Quarter      Quarter      Quarter      Date

     and fees     $87,570      $87,908      $89,092      $95,127    $359,697
     income         1,217        1,092          604          773       3,686
    Other income
     (loss)           623          933          113         (23)       1,646
     revenues      89,410       89,933       89,809       95,877     365,029

     and benefits  46,885       46,705       47,011       47,052     187,653
     expenses      13,429       14,200       13,232       15,954      56,815
    Amortization    3,422        4,164        3,985        4,289      15,860
    Depreciation    1,684        1,757        1,776        1,319       6,536
    Interest        1,749        1,381        1,695          878       5,703
    Non-cash stock
     compensation     488          497          487          512       1,984
     expenses      67,657       68,704       68,186       70,004     274,551

    Income before
     income taxes
     and minority
     interest      21,753       21,229       21,623       25,873      90,478

    Income taxes    8,467        8,429        7,907       10,031      34,834

     net of tax       410          380          314          627       1,731

    Net income    $12,876      $12,420      $13,402      $15,215     $53,913

    Net income
     per share:
        Basic       $0.21        $0.20        $0.21        $0.24       $0.86
        Diluted     $0.20        $0.20        $0.21        $0.24       $0.85

    Weighted average number of shares outstanding:

        Basic      62,265       62,348       62,575       63,053      62,563
        Diluted    62,839       63,042       63,243       63,837      63,222

    * Restated for pooling-of-interests.

                             Brown & Brown, Inc.
                 Fourth Quarter Core Commissions and Fees (1)
                                (In thousands)

                      Quarter    Quarter  Total    Total     Less   Internal
                       Ended      Ended    Net      Net   Acquisition  Net
                      12/31/01  12/31/00 Change   Growth % Revenues  Growth %

    Florida Retail   $28,452    $22,095  $6,357    28.8%   $ 3,358    13.6%
    National Retail   28,174     14,010  14,164   101.1%    13,812     2.5%
    Western Retail    15,350     10,847   4,503    41.5%     4,227     2.5%
    Total Retail      71,976     46,952  25,024    53.3%    21,397     7.7%

     Programs          3,356      3,334      22     0.7%        --     0.7%
     Programs            398        485    (87)  (17.9%)        21  (22.3%)
    Total Programs     3,754      3,819    (65)   (1.7%)        21   (2.3%)

    Brokerage          9,718      6,472   3,246    50.2%        --    50.2%

    TPA Services       6,338      5,570     768    13.8%       264     9.0%

    Total Core
    Commissions and
     Fees            $91,786    $62,813 $28,973    46.1%   $21,682    11.6%

    (1) Total Commissions and Fees excluding profit sharing contingency
        revenues and divestitures.

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SOURCE Brown & Brown, Inc.
Web site: http: //
CONTACT: Cory T. Walker, Chief Financial Officer of Brown & Brown, Inc., +1-386-239-7250

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